Mother, why does the elephant want to kill us? Ukrainian children call Russian tanks elephants. At night, instead of fairy tales, they read the comic book “Daddy Returned from the War”. For a military soldier, it may take as long as 12 years to erase a month from their memory. Some drink alcohol, some shut...
According to statistics, 70% of our losses could have been avoided if the soldier had received help in the first 30 minutes after a serious injury. Sometimes the only way to save a severely injured is to start an emergency surgery right during the transportation to the nearest hospital. The Belgian reanimobiles are fully equipped...
Good news: with the help of your support will be able to equip the surgeons of hospital #16 with a high-end operating room kit. Specifically in this Surgical Block in Dnipro, doctors are fighting for the lives of our defenders 24/7.
On october 24th, volunteers for Help Ukrainian Hospitals organised a fundraising event at a Belgian school in Leuven. Some of the items on sale were barista-quality coffee drinks, banana bread, pins and bracelets. In total many flyers were handed out, bringing possibly more donations in the near future.
On october 15th, Help Ukrainian Hospitals was present at a charity event “Ukrainian Food Market” in Leuven by the organisation “Ukrainians in Leuven”. HUH was present with flyers and paintings. In the future more collaborations can be expected with them.
Our charity organization “Help Ukrainian Hospital” ensured the arrival of professor Rom Stevens to Dnipro to teach our doctors how to rescue defenders on the battlefield according to the latest world protocols. Create a “blood bank” in the field and perform “point-of-care” ultrasound diagnostics with devices the size of a smartphone. “It is an honor...
Wounded from the battlefield soon will be transported to the hospitals from the frontline on this cars. Thank to our partnership with Ihor Vitenko, we are happy to announce that these ambulanced made its way from Belgium to Ukraine and soon will be saving lives of our soldiers. Glory to Ukraine! #HelpUkrainianHospitals #SuppliesForUkrainianHospitals Link to...
Help Ukrainian Hospitals’s Vladyslav Dieiev on how he managed to quickly create a U.S. nonprofit group to send medical supplies to hospitals suffering shortages in his Ukrainian hometown of Dnipro. Starting 17:12
Rom Stevens, MD, FCCM, professor from Chicago, USA discussing with Ukrainian anesthesiologists the strategies for blood and blood components transfusions as part of his mission to support Ukrainian medical community.