+1 (312) 714 - 4535
More than 500 intensivists
trained to use point-of-care ultrasound
More than 50 point-of-care
ultrasound workshops conducted
More than 400 mental health
consultations conducted

Medical Supplies

Based on direct daily communication with physicians and hospitals we purchase and deliver medical supplies.

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Mental Health

We partner with medical professionals in Ukraine and subsidize treatment of mental health disorders related to war.

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Hot Meals

We partner with businesses in food industry to deliver high quality and ready-to-eat hot meals to those in need.

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Donate Today

Make a general donation and we’ll dedicate it to the most urgent cause at the time of receipt. For cause-scpecific donations please refer to our campaigns.

Why Us?
Because we are connected directly with Ukrainian healthcare professionals

With spending less than 10% on administration and operations, no beaurocracy and personal commitment we can bring help directly and in a timely fashion. When you donate to Help Ukrainian Hospitals, Inc. funds go straight to people in need.

Partner with us

Calling Suppliers! Every Bit Helps.

The full-scale Russian invasion has strained the Ukrainian healthcare system. With a large influx of wounded soldiers and civilians, medical professionals desperately need training, medical supplies, and equipment that cannot be sourced locally.

We need basic hospital (including ventilators, hospital beds, defibrillators, pulsoxymeters etc.) and surgical equipment (drills, dermatomes, electrocautery etc.). If you are a direct manufacturer or an authorized supplier willing to help Ukraine please get in touch.

Refugees Abroad
Internally Displaced
Direct Damages
Civilian Casualties
Ukraine Needs Your Help

Stand With Us to Stop the War

The unprovoked aggression and terror wared by Russian Federation in Ukraine has to stop as soon as possible. Every single donation – no matter how small – helps us arm the medical front with the tools they need to protect Ukraine and Europe.

Meet our team

Our Members

Here from the ones you help


  • The administration of the City Hospital No. 8 expresses its gratitude to the President of “Help Ukrainian Hospitals, Inc.” charitable foundation, Dieiev Vladyslav.
    We are sincerely grateful to the citizens of the United States of America for their significant and very timely contribution to the provision of medical assistance to the patriotic fighters of Ukraine.

    Valentin Borodulya
    CEO of the City Hospital No. 8
  • The Administration of the Clinical Emergency Hospital in Dnipro expresses its gratitude to the President of the “Help Ukrainian Hospitals, Inc.” charitable foundation, Dieiev Vladyslav.
    We are infinitely grateful to the citizens of the United States of America for the necessary and timely contribution to the provision of medical assistance to the patriotic fighters of Ukraine, who in these difficult times defend the freedom of democracy.

    Stanislav Boltyansky
    Chief city anesthesiologist, Dnipro
  • On behalf of our hospital, I would like to thank you for your generosity support and help with supplying humanitarian aid to our patients.

    I am confident that the friendly relationship between our two countries will continue to strengthen and develop in the future for our peoples’ mutual benefit.

    Oleh Khasilev
    Director of City Clinical Hospital №16


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