The ongoing Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has resulted in the biggest humanitarian crisis in Europe since 1945. Millions of Ukrainians have experienced war-related trauma and dislocation from their families, homes, livelihood and medical care. Medical education of Ukrainian healthcare professionals and basic medical supplies is targeted to hospitals caring for war-injured and displaced Ukrainians can play a critical role in helping those affected by war.
Firstly, medical education can equip Ukrainian healthcare professionals with knowledge and skills they need to provide effective care to war-injured patients. This can include training on triage, emergency war surgery, damage control resuscitation, transfusion medicine, rapid diagnostic procedures (e.g., point of care ultrasonography [POCUS]) and mental health support for patients with traumatic stress. With a solid understanding of these critical concepts, Ukrainian medical professionals can better respond to the needs of their communities during the conflict. This training is being delivered by HUH virtually via ZOOM conferences, via webinars organized by the Ukrainian Society of Anesthesiologists, and in person, via POCUS workshops taught in several cities in Ukraine by HUH physician-educators. For example, Professor Stevens was recently appointed a Visiting Professor at the Dnipro State Medical University. He has already made two visits to Dnipro and is planning a third and fourth trip in Fall 2023 and Winter 2024, respectively.
Secondly, targeted medical supplies can help to address the specific needs of those hospitals and healthcare professionals affected by the conflict. This can include portable ultrasound devices, supplies for treating war-related injuries such as bandages, wound dressings, and antibiotics, as well medications for anxiety and depression. By providing targeted medical supplies, HUH and our partners help to ensure that those affected by the conflict have access to the care they need to recover and rebuild their lives.
portable ultrasounds donated
Doctors received an education.
raised for education
Here is a plan of actions for a charity to help with the medical education and targeted medical supplies needed to support Ukrainians during the Russian invasion:
Our charity has already delivered several hand-held ultrasound probes to Ukraine and trained over 200 doctors to use them. However, many more hospitals in Ukraine still need these small and portable diagnostic devices and training to obtain images and to interpret these images and use this information to guide therapy.
– We sponsor purchasing and delivery of new portable ultrasound equipment and in-country education programs for Ukrainian doctors on how to use them and how to interpret this information
– After donation platform fees and administrative expenses about 80% of donation goes directly toward supporting the projects detailed above.
– Our goal is to help Ukrainians improve their healthcare system to mitigate the injuries and wounds sustained in war and to build a better healthcare system for the future as Ukraine aspires to become a member of both the European Union and NATO.
– Our work in medical education has focused on improving access to point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) technology for healthcare professionals in Ukraine, improving the understanding of blood transfusion medicine for war casualties, improving general intensive care, and bringing knowledge from US- and European-based physicians, most of whom are professors of medicine in their home countries directly to our Ukrainian colleagues. Through our efforts, we have provided webinars reaching > 1000 anesthesiologists on the coagulopathy of trauma and shock and whole blood transfusion, provided lectures to Ukrainian specialist doctors and post-graduate residents, trained > 200 Ukrainian anesthesiologists in the use of POCUS in February, March and April 2023, all of which are helping to improve patient outcomes and save lives. We believe in cost-effect use of your donations. Our experts who have traveled to Ukraine have often donated much of the money to fund their own travels, and are very cost-conscious in choice of travel and living arrangements while in Ukraine, and truly believe in providing cost-effective training that the Ukrainians can immediately use within the existing constraints of their healthcare system, with a minimum of a requirement for additional expensive healthcare equipment and minimizing a requirement for an additional supply chain of consumables and spare parts.
– If you are a resident of the United States your donation is tax detuctible as we are a registered 501c3 organization.